100 things have happened since I last found my blog, don't ask me how you lose a blog but I did. Seriously need to save it amongst my favorites. Finished and handed in my Psych assignment today, yay! Whoever thought it was a good idea to squeeze an extra unit into my degree over the holidays was seriously deluded about the reality of studying with 4 girls in the house, I am berating myself over this one, unfortunately all fingers point to self.
There was a 2 week blessed window of opportunity when the 3 little girls were meant to be spending a couple of weeks with their dad in Brisbane, only we all know what happened in Queensland over these school holidays and guess where my little munchkins were on the day they were telling everyone that Brisbane was about to have their worse flood in a hundred years? On a public train heading into inner city Brisbane to see the museum and why wouldn't you? Everyone knows what a museum looks like, but seeing one under water is pure history in the making. Thankfully they caught the train back home to higher ground and were fine for the rest of their trip, just house bound and a little frightened.
It was the first time any of them had been on an airplane and a very excited 4 year old did say to me on the phone after their safe arrival "guess what mum? We didn't fall off!" I was very relieved. I was more relieved when they were home again safe and sound, driving to Adelaide and back in one day on 4 hours sleep is not recommended, but there was that whole assignment thing I had going on that I was spending hours on, whose ideas was that again? hmmmm....
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